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My name is Victor Sanchez, and I specialize in bringing ideas to life.

From digital illustration to graphic design to fine art and more, my passion is rooted in delivering the most stunning visual manifestations of what otherwise exists only in imagination. My clients are business owners, developers, writers, publishers, influencers, brands, streamers, gamers, and creatives. But they all have a vision, and I relish every opportunity to help them usher those visions into reality.


I’ve been an independent creative professional for upwards of six years, operating both online and locally in my home state of Washington. My experience at Bellevue College, where I studied formally in graphic design, further developed my hold on the technical side of art, but it’s the decades of hands-on work and daily practice that continues to build the set of skills I bring to every client project. I utilize a number of mediums and programs in my craft, including the full adobe suite, physical paint and canvas, and a host of digital illustration creative software. What’s more, my background working in print production ensures that the work I provide for my clients always comes out sharp before and after print, and is always expertly formatted with the final design in mind from the very start. 


My highest goal is to use the cumulative skills from all my past endeavors to bring the absolute best possible creative products to my clients. As I grow even further as an artist and as a creative professional, I celebrate every chance I get to provide the finest visual experience for those out there with a vision. I am Victor Sanchez  – digital illustrator, artist, and graphic designer – and I am looking forward to working with you.

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